Cloud E Healthcare

Provide qualityhealth care for your entire family while maintaining a professional atmosphere.


  For Senior Citizens

  • 25% Discount on Pathology Test+
  • 15% Discount on Selected Medicines+
  • 20% Discount on Medicine Prescribed by us to senior citizens
  • Sugar Test & consultancy ( once ) in each month free*


Stay Warm, Stay Healthy

Layer up and keep yourself warm to prevent cold-related illnesses and maintain a strong immune system during winter.

Boost Your Immunity

Load up on seasonal fruits, veggies, and hydrate well to bolster your immune system and ward off winter bugs.

Early Bird Offer

  • first 1000 registrations are eligible for free consultancy for six month ( once in each month )
  • BOOK YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT : Use code CEHFIRST to get 20% off on consultancy fee
  • ORDER MEDICINES : Use code CEHMEDOFF to get flat 25% off on your first order

Key Features

Experienced Doctors on Board
Safe & Confidential Consultations
Valid Prescription by Email

Consultation within 5 minutes 

Donate Medicine's